About the PTA

As an organization, our primary responsibility is to help the children of W.T. Page Elementary School get the best all-around educational experience possible. The PTA is comprise of parents, teachers, and school staff members and is an important partner in making it happen. This is done through educational enhancements (e.g., Book Fair, STEM Career Fair, etc.), supplemental equipment to the school (e.g., laptops, gym equipment, etc.), fun community building events (e.g., Spring Fling, Valentine’s Dance, etc.), and advocating for educational enhancements on behalf of the Page community with the county and state. But the PTA is YOU and All of US (parents, teachers, staff and students) working together to build a strong community and a world class educational institution.
The PTA is also an organized parent and community voice that advocates to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and government officials to ensure that Page students, staff and families have what we need to ensure a world-class education.
The PTA is led by a Board of Directors, which provides families with the leadership necessary to be active and effective partners with the school. It disseminates information, raises issues and concerns, anchors the school in the community, and represents parent interests. Board positions are the only PTA roles that involve elections. Parents who would like to volunteer can nominate themselves when the elections happen in the spring of each year
All General PTA meetings are open to the public and parents are encouraged to attend. The dates of all meetings are published at the beginning of the year, and minutes will be posted following each meeting. We want to make sure there are ample ways for every parent to discuss things with the board members and help collaborate on big decisions. Some important votes (e.g., the annual budget, new officer elections) are conducted at general meetings.