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Bus Transportation


Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) provides bus transportation to those students who live more than one (1) mile of walking distance from Page Elementary. MCPS publishes bus routes on it website for both drop-off and pick-up times. These schedules are also posted on the Page Elementary school website. Please visit the web page to view the updated schedule to find the appropriate route and timing for your child(ren). 


Students are responsible for their behavior and self-control on the bus and at bus stops at all times. Disorderly students can threaten the safety of all riders by distracting the bus operator making the bus ride to and from school an unpleasant and even intimidating experience for other students. School buses are an extension of school, and students are expected to adhere to the same standards of behavior on a school bus as in the classroom.


Students are expected to obey the instructions of the bus operator just as they would follow the instructions of teachers and school administrators. Students must also remember that riding the school bus is a privilege for most students, not a right, which can be revoked if the student fails to observe basic standards of conduct and safety.


Parents can help further the safety of all students by making sure their children know the bus rules and etiquette that help ensure safe, orderly, and pleasant bus trips. Parents also should make sure their children know their bus route number, located in windows on both the right and left side of the bus, near the front. Please note:  the number that is painted on the bus, usually on the body and bumpers is not used for bus route identification.


For elementary and middle school students, it is recommended that a parent or other adults wait at the bus stop with the students to monitor and supervise their behavior and help with any problems, such as a late bus. Both students and adults should stand near the bus stop, not more than 150 feet away, where they can observe the bus as it arrives.


Read the full rules and responsibilities on the MCPS transportation web page

© 2022 WT Page PTA


Montgomery County

Silver Spring, Maryland

William Tyler Page Elementary

13400 Tamarack Rd

Silver Spring, MD 20904

(240) 740-7560


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